The deadline to submit a Yard of the Month nomination is quickly approaching. You can swing by the Chamber Office at 121 W 9th St. Ste E, today to fill it out Thank you!
7 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Yard of the Month Application. 1 Winner from both Cozad & Eustis Contest Months: July, August, September Rules: Must live within cozad or eustis city limits. May nominate yourself or others, front and backyard to be judged, must display yard sign for the month, petals garden clb members excluded, applications must be submitted by the 25th of proceeding month, drop off in cozad at the cozad chamber or sonny's super foods. Dop off in Eustis at H & J Grocery or Waypoint Bank.
The Chamber office will be closed tomorrow for 4th of July! We will be open on Friday, July 5th. We hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday.
7 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Happy 4th of July The Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce 121 W 9th St. ste E Cozad, NE 69130 | 308-784-3930
Our office MOVED! The Cozad Chamber Office is now housed in the Cozad Business Center at 121 W 9th St. Ste E. Our PO Box 261 will remain the same and the Haymaker Creative district will still be at 209 W 8th St.
7 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce Jordan Starman - Executive Director 308-784-3930
Yard of the Month Applications are available at the Cozad Chamber Office! Nominate yourself, your neighbor or that yard you drive by every day that just makes you happy! :)
7 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Yard of the Month Application. 1 Winner from both Cozad & Eustis Contest Months: July, August, September Rules: Must live within cozad or eustis city limits. May nominate yourself or others, front and backyard to be judged, must display yard sign for the month, petals garden clb members excluded, applications must be submitted by the 25th of proceeding month, drop off in cozad at the cozad chamber or sonny's super foods. Dop off in Eustis at H & J Grocery or Waypoint Bank.
Nebraska Plastics July Blood Drive will be held Friday, July 19th from 12 - 5 pm in the Cozad Grand Generation Center meeting room! This months giveaway features 4 backpacks filled with goodies. For more information please call Wendy Cardenas at 308-784-2500
8 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Blood Drive Nebraska Plastics, Inc. Cozad Grand Generation Center - Meeting Room Hosted by nebraska plastics. Friday, July 19th, 2024 from 12 - 5PM. July Giveaway: 4 backpacks filled with goodies
Join Darr Feedlot for burgers and beverages at their Business After Hours on Friday, July 12th from 4 to 7PM. More information will be released as it becomes available! Thanks!
8 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
darr feedlot, inc. Business After Hours 42826 Rd 759 Cozad, NE 69130. Burgers and Beverages, Friday, July 12th. 4 - 7 PM
New to the Parking Lot Party! Calling all kiddos with pedal cars and power wheels, shine 'em up and bring them to the car show on July 13th from 2PM to 5PM with FREE entry. All ages are welcome to participate, however only age 12 and under will be judged and 1st place will be awarded a trophy! This is limited to pedal cars and power wheels, no gas-powered cars. Many Thanks to Jack's Welding and Earls Auto Glass for helping to bring a great event for the kids to the community!
8 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Kids Pedal & Power Wheels Car Show, July 13th, 2024 2 PM - 5 PM. Free Entry, Judging, Veterans Park | Cozad, NE Trophy awarded to 1st place. Must be 12 and under to be judged. Sponsored by the Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce, Jack's Welding, and Earls Auto Glass. For more information contact the Chamber at 308-784-3930 or
Important Information: Time: 2 - 5 PM. Registration Free; begins at 12 PM. 12 and under judged; trophy awarded to first place. Limited to pedal cars and power wheels; no gas powered cars. Location: Cozad Veterans Park. Enter Southwest corner; corner of E and 9th St. Register: Southeast corner; corner of F and 9th st. Parking: next to registration table. Join us after for live music by Heather Wellman & The Innocence and all you can eat BBQ! Tickets available at or at the Chamber Office.
City-wide garage sales are THIS Saturday, June 1st starting at 8 AM! Maps are available in this week's edition of the newspaper at The Cozad Local and the Chamber Office for $2. While you're checking out the map, read the amazing article about the Cozad Chamber and Cozad Country Club's Celebrity Golf Tournament. *** A couple last minute garage sales that didn't make the map 306 W 19th St Cozad, NE 414 E 16th St. Cozad, NE 912 D St. Cozad, NE
8 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Cozad Local Newspaper
Join local vendors at the Cozad Farmers Market starting on July 13th! Every Saturday until October, you will find the Farmers Market set up on the East Side of Veterans Park. Enjoy shopping for fresh produce, home baked goods, crafts and more. Vendors, if you would like to sign up to participate please swing into the Chamber Office, $25 for the whole season or $5 per event.
8 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Cozad Farmer's Market July 13th - October Fresh Produce | Honey | Jelly | Home Baked Goods | Eggs | Crafts. Veterans Park (East Side)
Join us in celebrating Tara Linn Dance Company's Ribbon Cutting and Open House Ceremony on Thursday, May 30th from 4 to 6PM. Stop by and check out their new location at 115 W 9th St.
9 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Tara Linn Dance Company Ribbon Cutting & Open House. Ribbon Cutting will take place at 4:00 PM with an open house to show off ournew facility from 4 - 6PM. May 30th, 2024 115 W 9th St. Cozad ne.. All are welcome!
The Cozad Chamber and the Cozad Country Club's First Annual Celebrity Golf Tournament was a huge success on May 18th! Flatwater Bank's team pair with former Husker player, Rod Baker, won 1st place. Cozad Telephone Company with Dreu and Conor Young came in 2nd place. Waypoint Bank with Brett Wetton came in 3rd. The last place winners of a basket of cheese, wine and a box of Kleenex were the Meridian Tap House high school team and former Husker Softball Player, Ashley Ford. We raffled off the Portable Fire Pit w/ accessories donated by Jack's Welding and Chad Atchison won! All of the celebrities have committed to coming back next year and some are planning to bring some more buddies! Mark your calendars for the 2ND Annual Celebrity Golf Tournament on May 31st, 2025! *Bill Busch made a shoutout to Cozad on his morning show today! Check it out here:
9 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Andy Janovich
Austin Priel
Bill Busch Team
Bill Busch
Bill Wilkinson
Brent Qvale and Andy Janovich
Ethan Lambert, Ryan Brooks, Matt Linder, Andy Janovich, Caleb Sandford, Brent Qvale, Hank Pflaster, Pat Worthman, Andrew Lemmer, Drew Lambert
Kids team
Waypoint Bank's Team
More Prizes for the Celebrity Golf Tournament have rolled into the office! We have a Yeti Water Bottle, 2 Golf Towels and a Magnetic Koozie from 222 Hardware, Golf Balls, a ball marker, golf towel, a set of playing cards and an aluminum can koozie from Homestead Bank, a Milwaukee tool battery, Dewalt Water Bottle and Milwaukee draw string bag from Meal Lumber, a $40 Cash Prize from Preferred Diesel, Polished Hair & Nails, Big E's and Lambert Chicken Ranch,and a gift certificate from Earl's Auto Glass! All of this on top of the chance to win big! There is a $10,000 Hole in One sponsorship from Security First bank and a portable fire pit from Jack's Welding! Team spots are still open, contact the Chamber Office to sign up today!
9 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
222 Prize
Homestead prize
Mead Lumber Prize
Ethan and katya Lambert
Polished hair & Nails
Preferred Diesel
Big E's
Earls Auto Glass
Here is a look at a few of our hole prizes for our Celebrity Golf Tournament on Saturday, May 18th! 1. Golf Towel, hat and golf balls courtesy of Eakes Office Solutions! 2. Steaks for a Year Hole in One Prize on hole 3 courtesy of Security First Bank 3. Ukiah Tailgater II, a portable fire pit with beat to music technology, plus a cooktop accessory, a cover, and Jack's Welding Gear on hole 4 courtesy of Jack's Welding and Machine Shop! 4. $500 Prepaid Card Hole in One Prize on Hole 5 courtesy of Security First Bank! 5. $10,000 Hole in One prize on hole 11 courtesy of Security First Bank 6. Range Finder and Wingman GPS Speaker Hole in One Prize on hole 17. Courtesy of Security First Bank. Check back in for more updates as Hole Prizes continue to be donated!
9 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
$10,000 hole in one prize
Steaks for a Year Hole in One Prize
Jack's Welding Ukiah Portable Fire Pit and accesories
$500 Prepaid Card Prize
Eakes Office Supplies Golf Prizes
Range Finder Hole in One Prize
We have a relatively slow week this week! How perfect would it be to end it on Saturday playing golf with some of your favorite celebrities?! We still have some team spots available! Security First Bank is sponsoring a $10,000 Hole in One Prize at hole 11 and businesses in the community have been bringing in some more great hole prizes! Saturday is predicted to be a sunny 92-degree day, PERFECT for golfing and iced cold beverages! Contact the Chamber Office for more information!
9 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Happenings: may 13th - 19th May 16th - Last Day of School! May 18th - Cozad Chamber & Cozad Country Club Celebrity Golf Tournament! Registration opens at 8AM. Shotgun start at 10AM. Celebrities include: Luke Pinkelman, Jared Crick, Dreu Young, Conor Young, Ashely Ford, Sarah Yocom, Monte Kratzenstein, Will Yancy, Rod Baker, Brent Qvale, Bill Busch, Clay Anderson, Alex Boryca and Brett Wetton. Donations going to Team Jack Foundations include: The Home Agency's Title Sponsorship of $2500, all celebrity teammate funds and Buy a Drive at hole 10. $10,000 Hole in One Prize on Hole 11 donated by Security First Bank and Hole Prizes on all holes! Contact the Cozad Chamber for more information. Logos: Cozad Chamber, City of Cozad, Board of Public Works, Homestead Bank, Security First Bank, Cozad Telephone Company, The Fox Theater, Waypoint Bank.
Volunteers needed for Platte Valley Tailwinds! With 15 thousand interested attendees to the Fathers Day Weekend Event, we need the community's help. If your interested in being a part of a great community event, please contact or call 308-784-3930 for more information!  Tickets to the 2024 Chamber Parking Lot Party are available for purchase int he Cozad Chamber Office or at Advance tickets are $20 for adults, 4-11 are $10 and 3 and under are FREE! Get yours today!  Logos: Cozad Local, Mid-state aviation, Hi gain feedlot, south central developmental services, sonnys super foods, paulsen, inc. farm bureau financial services.
Saturday: high 92 and low 58. sunny
"Meat" for a Meal with the Cozad Chamber Ag Committee! Join us May 23rd at the Greenspace, for burgers, chips and water! Free will donation to the Cozad FFA Students.
9 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Beef on the Green "Meat" for a Meal with the Chamber Ag Committee. May 23rd, 2024 at 12PM. at the Green Space inCozad, NE.  meal includes a burger, chips and a water. Free-will donation to the Cozad FFA Students. Thank you to our Sponsors! Waypoint Bank, Cozad Chamber of Commerce Ag Committee, Homestead Bank, Nutrien Ag Solutions, VVS Canteen, Meridian Tap House and Darr Feedlot!,, 308-784-3930
Another Round of Celebrities for the Golf Tournament on May 18th! Luke Pinkelman - All-American in the outdoor shot put in 2012, Big 12 Champion in the indoor shot put in 2011, Big 12 Indoor Championships: Runner-up in the shot put in 2009 with a toss of 58-8 3/4, Competed at the NCAA Outdoor Championships in 2009, finishing fifth in the shot put, Nebraska Class B State Champion: Luke won state titles in the shot put from 2005 to 2007 and discus in 2006 and 2007 while competing for Cozad High School. Andy Janovich - Husker Fullback from 2012 - 2015, Denver Broncos from 2016 - 2019, Clevland Browns from 2020-2021 Josh Banderas - Former Husker Linebacker. Sarah Yocom - Started a team-high 33 games at first base for the Nebraska Softball Team in 2021, Ashley Ford - Former Nebraska Softball Player Rod Baker - Former Nebraska Husker Football Player!
9 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Luke Pinkelman
Andy Janovich
Josh Banderas
Sarah Yocom
City-Wide Garage Sale Sign ups are still available in the Chamber Office! Joining in are the Cozad High School FCCLA NATIONAL QUALIFIERS! Help these students raise funds to send them Seattle. They will be located at Veterans Memorial Park from 11AM to 5:30PM with burgers and garage sale items!
9 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Cozad FCCLA invites you to... Garage Sale & Burger Feed. Cozad FCCLA Members need your help to raise funds during the Cozad City Wide Garage Sales! Please come and support FCCLA national qualifiers as they prepare to compete in SEATTLE! To support them please stop by our Garage Sale and burger Feed ($7 per person) Can't Wait to see you there!  When: June 1st, 2024 Where: Veterans Memorial Park E 9th St. In the Picnic area) Time: 11AM to 5:30PM.
5 more celebrities you will have the opportunity to play golf with at the 2024 Celbrity Golf Tournament! Monte Kratzenstein - former defensive tackle for the Nebraska Huskers football team in 1989. Brett Wetton - former kicker for the Huskers who later went on to play football professionally. Conor Young - Cozad's very own former wide receiver for the Huskers. Currently working alongside his brother Dreu Young at Cozad Telephone Company. Dreu Young - Former Husker tight end in 2008 and 2009. He made 13 starts out of his 34 games played. Alex Boryca - Former Cozad High School football player who starred as linebacker and running back and went on to play for the Nebraska Huskers. Sign up for a team today to play with some of your favorite celebrities!
9 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Monte Kratzenstein
Brett Wetton
Conor Young
Dreu Young
Alex Boryca
Have you signed up to play in the 2024 Chamber Celebrity Golf Tournament? There will be a limited number of teams available. Contact the Chamber Office for more information and to sign up your team today! Our first celebrity shoutout goes to Bill Busch, an American college football coach. He was the interim defensive coordinator and special teams coordinator for the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in 2022. Clay Anderson, a retired NASA astronaut. Launched on STS-117, he replaced Sunita Williams on June 10, 2007, as a member of the ISS Expedition 15 crew. Brent Qvale, a former American football offensive tackle. He was signed by the New York Jets as an undrafted free agent in 2014. He played college football at Nebraska. Will Yancy, former Husker Football player in the years 2007 & 2008. Cozad's very own, Jared Crick, former American football defensive end. He played college football at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He played for the Houston Texans from 2012-2015 and with the Denver Broncos from 2015 - 2017. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more announcements!
9 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Bill Busch
Brent Qvale
Clay Anderson
Jared Crick
Will Yancy
I apologize for the late notice; I just want to send out a friendly reminder that the Chamber Office is closed the rest of this week. I am attending a Mid America Chamber Executive Conference in South Dakota. Have a great week!
9 months ago, Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
Reminder Office is closed! I am attending the 50th Annual MACE Conference May 1st - 3rd. Sorry for the inconvenience. Jordan Starman Chamber Director